- Informal
- Student Ombuds Office -- http://sa.berkeley.edu/ombuds
- ASUC Student Advocate’s Office - http://advocate.berkeley.edu/
- Counseling & Psychological Services (CPS) - http://www.uhs.berkeley.edu/students/counseling/cps.shtml
- Survivor Support - http://survivorsupport.berkeley.edu/
- Formal
- Accommodating the Academic Needs of Students with Disabilities
- Disabled Students Program -- http://dsp.berkeley.edu/complaintresolution.html
- Disability Compliance -- http://disabilitycompliance.berkeley.edu/disability-resolution
- Grade Appeals - http://registrar.berkeley.edu/Records/grade_appeal.html
- Complaints about the UC Police Department - http://ucpd.berkeley.edu/ucpd-complaint-process
- Violations of campus student conduct rules -- http://sa.berkeley.edu/conduct/overview
- Student Grievance procedure - http://students.berkeley.edu/uga/grievance.stm
- Sexual Harassment and Violence Support - http://survivorsupport.berkeley.edu/report
- If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of the sexual harassment complaint resolution process, the student may file a formal student grievance within fifteen (15) days of notice of the outcome of the sexual harassment complaint process.
- Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD) - http://ophd.berkeley.edu
- Disclosure of Information from Student Records -- http://registrar.berkeley.edu/academic-policies-procedures/ferpa